A big, heavy thingy on my head was what I felt like the whole day. It is so hot here in Penang and there I was sitting in front of my laptop doing my work in the living room.
I am practically dumb when it comes to computer and stuff. Though I have some background in computer studies, all I can remember after all these years is how much I hated my computer class teacher! Him, C++, Visual Basic and HTML, my sworn enemies when I was in the sixth form.
Today for some reason (and need), I have started 'playing' with HTML again. Reading a HTML program to me is almost like me trying to read Chinese. And trust me, my Chinese is really bad.
The headache caused by yesterday's hang over from the football match, the heat and the eenie meenie HTML codes was almost unbearable. But thanks to the internet, even dumb ones like me can get some work done.
Another thing that is causing my headache is I couldn't decide on the colour for my blog title and description. No matter which colour I tried, it is still hard to read because of the background. Plus, I couldn't fix an error in the template HTML code which causes a part of the background image to disappear when my blog posts are shorter than the side bar. Arghh!!!
I still have lots to do tomorrow and I am really hoping that the 'walrus' would not be back...